Strategies For Successful Bed Bug Control In Virginia Beach

When you were growing up, do you remember running into your room and jumping onto your bed because you were afraid something was underneath your bed? Of course, you later realized nothing was underneath your bed, but have you had a similar feeling that something is in your room or house, but you don't know what it is? Perhaps you've been startled awake at night due to a mysterious noise in your house, and you lay there frozen because you knew that something caused the sound, but you didn't know what it was.
Bed bugs can be like that mysterious noise you hear in the house. You know something is causing bites on your body, but you aren't exactly sure of the cause. If you suspect bed bugs are in your house, you need bed bug control in Virginia Beach from Hawk Mosquito & Pest. Under the direction of a full-time firefighter and with integrity as our core value, we work to eliminate pests swiftly and effectively from homes.
As a child, when you realized nothing was underneath your bed at night, your mind was at ease. We wrote this article to expose bed bugs so you can determine if they are the source of your problem. As the saying goes, "Knowledge is power"; we want to arm you with the information you need to eliminate bed bugs from your Virginia Beach home.
How To Identify A Bed Bug Infestation
There is an initial confusion when people notice bites on their bodies. At first, some think mosquitoes or spiders are the culprits, but as the wounds multiply, they wonder if it is something else. If that scenario describes your experiences, see if these early signs of bed bugs are present in your Virginia Beach home:
- Bed bugs
- Bites
- Exoskeletons
- Stains
- Odor
We understand you may not know about these indicators, so please keep reading to learn more.
Bed bugs are insects with six segmented legs, two small antennae, and a three-part body consisting of a head, thorax, and abdomen. An adult bed bug has a 1/4-inch long crinkly body. Like fleas, ticks, lice, and mites, bed bugs are ectoparasites that feed on their host's body. When unfed, their bodies are mahogany-colored, flat, and broad; after consuming a blood meal, they become elongated, swollen, and reddish-brown.
Between midnight and 5 am, bed bugs leave their hiding places in the room and climb onto their host. Bud bugs have a mouthpart known as a proboscis, which they use to probe their host's skin to find capillary-rich areas. When they find good blood flow, they pierce the skin and inject an anticoagulant and anesthetic into the host to promote good blood flow and prevent the host from waking up. The host's body registers the bed bug's saliva as an allergen and dispatches histamines, which cause the wound site to become swollen, itchy, and red. Mosquitoes, fleas, and spiders bite exposed skin in random areas, whereas bed bugs tend to bite clusters or lines.
Unlike mammals, bed bugs have their skeleton on the outside of the body, which is why it is called an exoskeleton. When mammals grow, their skeleton expands with them, but for insects like bed bugs to progress through their growth phases (instars), they must shed their exoskeleton through a process known as molting. Finding these discarded skin casts is another sign of bed bugs in your home.
As bed bugs feed on their hosts, they excrete waste of dried blood and other discarded materials. This feces causes reddish-brown stains on sheets, mattresses, and box springs. Sometimes, when bed bugs feed, the host will roll over and squish them, which causes blood stains on the sheets and pillowcases.
Like all insects, bed bugs communicate through chemicals called pheromones. Bed bugs are social insects that like to aggregate in large groups. These pheromones attract bed bugs to each other so they can shelter together and find mates. Furthermore, bed bugs produce these chemicals when they sense danger. These pheromones can create a noticeable odor when there is a concentration of bed bugs in an area.
Now we have identified bed bug signs, we need to know where to search.
Investigate these indicators on bed linens, mattresses, box springs, behind headboards, and picture frames. Other favorite hiding locations for bed bugs include wallpaper seams, electrical outlets, and cracks between baseboards, walls, and flooring. Due to the minuscule size of bed bugs, you should have a magnifying glass to aid you in your investigation. Discarded exoskeletons from early instars are not visible to the naked eye. With additional magnification, you may find pearly-white, grain-sized bed bug eggs and discarded creamy-white eggshells.
Hawk Mosquito & Pest technicians know the signs of a bed bug infestation. When we inspect your Virginia Beach home, we can determine if these insects are the source of your problem and discomfort.
The Problem With Having Bed Bugs In Your Home
There is good news and bad news with bed bugs. The good news, if there is any, is bed bugs are not like fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes in that they are not known to spread disease. However, no one wants bed bugs inside their Virginia Beach homes because they cause many problems.
A bed bug infestation can create psychological issues for home occupants. Knowing these pests feed on your blood while you sleep and realizing you will have more itchy bites appear on your body the next day creates insomnia in many people. The lack of sleep causes a domino effect, resulting in depression, anxiety, irritability, and the inability to focus. Bed bugs in your house can affect your interpersonal relationships, work performance, and personal mental health.
Although lack of cleanliness is not why you have bed bugs, a social stigma often accompanies a bed bug invasion. People do not want to visit a house with a known or suspected bed bug problem because they do not want to risk bringing these hitchhiking creatures into their homes.
Another issue is living with the fear that the infestation may spread to other areas of the home. Although the initial problem may be in the master bedroom area, one can't help but be concerned it will engulf the children's or guest rooms.
Fortunately, you do not need to live in fear inside your home when secure bed bug pest control near you from Hawk Mosquito & Pest. We will quickly and efficiently eliminate bed bugs from your house so you can relax and enjoy a good night's sleep.
Five Bed Bug Prevention Tips
Bed bugs are hitchhikers; they do not enter your home from the yard searching for water and food. These insects use public transportation and venues as hubs where they crawl into bags, luggage, and clothing. They also enter homes on used furniture, usually from a previously infested location. Apply these bed bug control techniques for your home to prevent a future infestation:
- Inspect luggage and bags upon returning from a trip.
- Review second-hand furniture before purchasing.
- Vacuum the house regularly and suction out cracks and crevices.
- Declutter and do not allow clothing to pile up on the floors.
- Seal crevices in walls, furniture, and around baseboards.
When returning from a trip or riding public transportation, inspect clothing, bags, etc., before entering the house and immediately place clothing from your luggage in the washer. When you vacuum, place contents in a sealable bag inside a covered outdoor garbage can. Keeping the room picked up and cracks sealed limits bed bug-hiding locations. When sweeping the home, suction the cracks to remove stray bed bugs.
Regular cleaning and diligence will reduce the likelihood of a future bed bug problem. When a Hawk Mosquito & Pest technician inspects your home, we can provide additional tips for your situation.
The Best Way To Completely Get Rid Of Bed Bugs
Pest control professionals agree that bed bugs are among the worst pests to eliminate from a home. One reason these pests are problematic is their rapid reproduction rate. One fertilized female can produce up to 500 eggs in its lifetime. Under optimal conditions (70? to 90?), a bed bug can progress from the egg stage to a reproducing adult in less than 40 days. At this rate, the bed bug population doubles about every 16 days. As you can see, bed bugs can quickly overtake an area in your home.
Their rapid reproduction rate, ability to hide in cracks no wider than a credit card, and obscurity make bed bug removal challenging; however, Hawk Mosquito & Pest is up to the challenge.
Our bed bug removal process begins with a home examination of the bedrooms to determine if bed bugs are the problem and the extent of the infestation. Based on the data we gather from you and our investigation, we treat the infected areas with the appropriate product amount, give recommendations regarding mattress encasements, and set up monitoring traps to track the progress of the elimination treatment.
The best way to eradicate these insidious pests from your Virginian Beach home is to contact Hawk Mosquito & Pest. Call us today to learn more about our bed bug services and request a free quote.

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The staff are top shelf and very customer service oriented. The quality of their work is great and we have loved using their services. There are certainly a lot of choices when it comes to pest control, but you won’t be disappointed with Hawk.
- Jarrod S. -
Great service!!! I ALWAYS get a text prior to them coming. Gives me time to put dogs away. I am able to address any issues with them at that time.
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They are always professional, courteous, and friendly. Everyone from the receptionist to the technicians surpass all levels of professionalism and make you feel like your business matters.
- Heather W. -
Great pricing, timely service response, effective solutions with an effortless customer experience. I highly recommend Rob and his Hawk Mosquito & Pest Team for all of your pest control needs - preventative and reactive.
- Chris L. -
Robert arrived to our inspection even before we did! He was thorough, educated, and gave us great advice. I will happily hire Hawk again and recommend the company to all of my friends and family.
- Elizabeth L. -
We’ve used them to encapsulate and routine pest control for our home. Tommy is the best.
- Michell S. -
I always receive confirmation text for when service is scheduled. We have not had any mosquito issues and have had a great time in our backyard on the lake. Thank you Hawk!!
- Beverly S. -
We are so happy we changed over to Hawk a couple of years ago! We don’t have to keep track of the schedule and call a different company for different pests. Thank you so much, Hawk for your loyalty and quality service!
- Rochelle R.